Rex Allen, known as Panama Rex, grew up as an Army brat, traveling the world and living in various countries, including France. When Rex moved to the United States, he only spoke French and was held back a year in school. This delay turned into a blessing, making him a football star in high school due to his larger size from being a year older than his peers.
After graduating, Rex embarked on a career in construction, apprenticing under talented carpenters. This opportunity allowed him to hone his skills and become a leading professional in his field. Rex worked on many high-end jobs, establishing himself as a master carpenter.
During his construction career, Rex met his lovely wife, Holly, an electrical engineer for NASA. They fell in love and had three beautiful children: Willow, Blair, and Mia (Lindey). Despite his demanding job, Rex's passion for music, inspired by his father's natural musical talents, never waned. He spent weekdays working as a lead superintendent and weekends performing music, either solo or with his band, with his family always there to support him.
Rex's music career began with country covers before transitioning to rock covers. One day, after a performance, his middle child, Mia, told him that he sounded like Jimmy Buffett. Inspired by her comment, Rex began singing Jimmy Buffett covers, which quickly became his passion. This new direction in his music can be explored further in the "History" section.
An amazing guitar player, Rex started practicing as a teenager and also plays bass, keyboard, and harmonica. His versatile talent has led him to perform at many shows, sharing his musical abilities with the world. His dedication to music has inspired his daughter, who goes by the artist name Mia Laren, to pursue a career in music as well.
Now retired, Rex spends his time perfecting his craft, practicing for hours on end. He has also branched out to create his own original pieces, continuing to share his passion for music with the world. Panama Rex is a beloved father and husband, honored to share his musical journey and talents, embodying the spirit of dedication and love for his craft.